Thursday, December 19, 2019

12-19-2019 Jim and Sam

Download Jim  and Sam Radio Show audio

On a side note I received another 60 dollar bill for Sirius XM for 3 months. Please donate something to contribute to the bill. Thanks guys!

Big Thanks for the people who have donated 22 so far:
Juan B
Michael H
Doug and Linda
Andrew F

 Google Drive

If you can not download it because it hit its limit either wait later or try this from Spicy
  1. click save to your google drive.
  2. go to your google drive page
  3. find the file you just downloaded
  4. click create copy
  5. download copy


  1. FBI can find their name now

    1. Hopefully the FBI has better things to do then find who donated to a site plus the pool of people with each name has to be big.
