Monday, August 17, 2020

Aug 17, 2020 Jim and Sam Show

       Download Jim  and Sam Radio Show audio


  1. Regarding your lack of space, why not open up another Google account? Each one gives you 20GB free. I do this all the time. I have 12 Google accounts, numbered for easy reference and use the cloud storage to back up tons of stuff without paying a penny. I do admit, I don't publicly share what I store, so bandwidth limits are never reached. I mean, it's an idea anyway.

    1. You make a valid point. I typically get 15gb when creating a new account. I am already paying 2 dollars per month for 100gb, so one more dollar is not that big of a deal. My recording computer is already sync with that account and it does not have a monitor. I know that they are all silly excuses. If i can get a year plan than its less than 3 dollars per month. There is 250 people that come to this site, so that is only 12 cents per person
