Wednesday, July 20, 2022

7-20-2022 Jim and Sam Show


I dropped a new Android app. Just a GIF creator. So if you have time check it and let me know what you think. Yeah i know its simple one and there is better ones, no need to point that out. 

Use PayPal to donate



  1. Downloaded the app. Very simple, easy to use. I like how it gives you a count down then a count up, and let's you know what it's doing every step of the way. It's a little slow in processing, taking a second per frame to extract then again to reconstitute. That said, my finished product came out great. If definitely use again, and I'd definitely recommend. (Thanks as always for posting the shows for us!) -D

    1. Thank you for the review. I will not hate you if you say anything negative about it. I wish I could it make it faster but it depends on the OS. Just trying to make the waiting experience the best I could.
